Russian Caravan Blended Tea
My Shop Coffee`s history on Russian Caravan Blended Tea. Traveling along the trade routes in Southern Russia and Northern China during the 1700's, gourmet tea became an extremely popular item. While the chests of tea traveled by camel from China to Europe through Russia, the tea leaves picked up scents from campfires along the way. Eleven thousand miles and six months later, the tea had changed dramatically; we named this tea Russian Caravan because of its travels along the trade routes. The unique smoky flavor of this black tea is what made it Russia`s second most popular beverage next to vodka.
Here at My Shop Coffee you can enjoy the undertones of a blend that remains as a tradition among the finest Russian teas. We have delicately blended this high-grade black tea with hints of Lapsang Souchong, Formosa Oolong, and China Blend to make this exceptionally complete. Russian Caravan Tea has an assertive flavor and its for those who like a strong cup of tea.