Decaf Coffee Blends

My Shop Coffee has an entire team of experts to make sure that our coffee blends are the standard by which all others are judged. Our decaffeinated blends are certainly no exception. My Shop Coffee blends coffees to bring you flavors, textures, and overall characteristics of coffee that are simply unobtainable with a single origin coffee.

Blending allows you to reach beyond the range of what one single coffee can bring you and opens the door to a whole new world of tastes, aromas, and finishes.

Blending takes you on a coffee adventure and you will find a plethora of blends to delight you at My Shop Coffee. Our main objective is to bring  our customers continuity and consistency with our distinctive flavors. We take pride in the fact that we offer something special for everyone, every price range, taste, specific times of day, or countries of origin...We have it all, even decaf! My Shop Coffee faithfully roasts and precisely blends its own decaffeinated coffees daily.

It is no secret that roasting decaffeinated beans is a challenge, but when done by a professional, experienced Roast master, such as ours, you should enjoy your decaffeinated coffee blends without even a hint that the caffeine is missing! We are dedicated to bringing you the absolute freshest coffee upon delivery.