English Breakfast Tea
My Shop Coffee's English Breakfast Tea has a full body and is richly robust. This gourmet tea is expected to be served with milk and sweetener, much like the British, have prepared their morning tea for over a century. Once the black tea has been mixed with milk, its aroma transforms into the scents of warm toast and honey!
When enjoyed with milk and sugar, the silky texture takes a much more mild flavor, perfect for toast, muffins, and biscuits. Although it is of course a custom to have black tea blends every morning in England, the term "English breakfast tea" did not originate in England; instead, the term originated in North America in colonial times.
English Breakfast Tea is highly admired all over the world and celebrated for its bold flavor. It is one of our best selling teas, and it is sure to win you over. What's stopping you?....Try some of My Shop Coffee's English Breakfast Tea!